and consumers 

´dedicated to exploring the violation and / ]]6]
manipulation of the CD Standard to hide audio tracks ]

The BBC ||||moved ||||did a news story[4][5] in 2008 about tent cities in Southern California which reportedly was politically censored by the national American media.[6] The story talked about how the causes of the crises in the U.S. economy has forced many people, who used to own their own homes, to now live in tents

rior to the election of Sheriff Joe Arpaio in 1993, the prisoner population in Maricopa County Jail, 

Arizona, the 4th largest jail system in the world[23], exceeded the maximum number 

of inmates allowed in its facilities. 

. S. (...) ordered that a Tent Jail be constructed utilizing inmate labor [24].

All inmates housed outside in the tents (N yard for the males and O yard for the females) are 

"volunteers" in the "Working Inmate Program" and must agree to work an 

assigned job and comply with the Sheriff's grooming standards. Inmates who decline 

to work or refuse to groom themselves are relocated inside a hardened facility 

along with the rest of the jail population ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||………|

